Add Webhook to Jira

Add Webhook to Jira

To get instant updates from Jira→ piplanning app, you will need to setup a Webhook in Jira pointing to the piplanning-server. All the needed properties for the webhook are listed in the page in the RTE-Cockpit under ALM-Configuration/<Your Jira connection>/ Webhook.

Starting from April 10, 2020

The webhook URL schema changed on April 10. 2020 (>2.2.0). The format changed from https://<base-url>/<company-name> to https://<base-url>/<company-name>:jira:<token>

We will stop processing webhooks setup with the old schema in Q2 2020.


1. Navigate to system in Jira

2. Then to the tab WebHooks

3. Now press "+ Create a WebHook"

4. Set a name (of your choice) and insert the URL shown in your ALM settings on setup.piplanning.io

5. Activate the checkboxes as shown below

6. The same for Sprint and Board

Now your Jira is set and ready to sync with the piplanning app in both directions.