Out of the box sticky types with the function “work item” will show a status.

Check out https://rentouch.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PD/pages/1287159821/Work+Item#Status-Indicator

Sync Status with ALM-tool

If you’re having your session synced with an ALM-tool the status options will be pulled based on the workflows used in your ALM tool.

ALM-tool specifics

Every ALM-tool handles status differently. Check out the pages provided below:


Jira Status Sync

Azure DevOps

ADO Status Sync


Rally Status Sync

Show Progress 🚀

Based on the linking between team level sticky types (i.e. User Story) to program level sticky types (i.e. Feature) you can now show and hide a progress bar.


The progress bar is based on the sticky count and the status (Categories To Do, In Progress, Done)

The progress bar is based on the sticky count and the status (Categories To Do, In Progress, Done)

Show / Hide Progress

Progress visualisation

🟢 Done | 🔵 In Progress | ⚪️ To Do | ⚪️ Undefined