


  • Fix: Mirror of backlog-board sticky to team-board lost team on backlog in some cases
  • Fix: Create backlog-board sticky from team/program-board; then re-sync backlog-board (Jira) => removal of new sticky


Install the base version 2.11.0 Installation and then update as describe below to this version. 


 Update to this version

Load the new images

  • With internet connection: 
docker login harbor3.piplanning.io
  • Without internet connection: Ask Rentouch for the images.

Update PI-Server config files

On the host-system download the newest version of the PI-Server docker archive and extract it:

wget https://static-piplanning.s3-eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/releases/on-premise-dev/pi-server-docker_2.11.1-0bbc0f9f.tar
mkdir -p pi-server-docker_2.11.1 && tar -xf pi-server-docker_2.11.1-0bbc0f9f.tar -C pi-server-docker_2.11.1
cd pi-server-docker_2.11.1

Run the updater. You have to pass the path to your PI-Server folder (which contains the docker-compose and all the data) as the first argument.

python update.py /path/to/my/pi-server/installation

When the migration to the newest version is finished restart the pi-server by

cd /path/to/my/pi-server/installation

As a last step: You can clean up by removing the installer

rm pi-server-docker_2.11.1.tar pi-server-docker_2.11.1

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