FAQs piplanning app

FAQs piplanning app

Questions Overview:

Can we make a pilot phase with the tool and use it for our first PI Planning?

Yes, we will provide you 5 team licenses for an evaluation. Instead of using piplanning.io directly for a PI Planning, we've made best experiences setting up a dry run (simulation) with your key stakeholders. A free trial is only available for our Cloud services. If you want to use it with our self-hosted option right from the beginning you need to purchase the licences for the number of teams you have (our quarterly payment plan might be a good start).

Do we need large touchscreens to use the piplanning app in an effective way?

No, we have customers using it with normal desktop computers and they are happy with it. Large touchscreens can be a great way to improve the collaboration of your teams even more. But to start with piplanning.io it's definitely not necessary to organise so many touchscreens right from the beginning.

Is it possible to influence the development of the application by sharing ideas or supply feature request?

Yes, we at Rentouch developing piplanning.io rely on customer feedback. It's very important to us and it's the basis of our backlog and its prioritisation.

What does a team license include?

With an active team license you have a Team Board to plan and the Program Board to visualise the dependencies.

My Jira is behind a firewall. What IP's do I have to whitelist to use your cloud version?

Please whitelist &, &

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