piplanning app

piplanning app

Starting from 2020, we switched to the webapp (before we had a native desktop app). 


Cloud & Onprem:

  • Chrome-browser


  • You will need to allow websocket connections on port 443
  • Make sure your network does not drop them regularly (can happen because of firewalls / proxies)
  • Outgoing connections to the IP (until April 10. 2020:

    Starting from April 10. 2020

    We switched the IP to (You can still use the old by a workaround, please contact Rentouch for that)


  • Depending on your setup: websocket connections on port 443 or 80
  • Make sure your network does not drop them regularly (can happen because of firewalls / proxies)

Online tutorial for on-boarding team mates

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