2.16.0 All you need to know using PI-Server with Docker
2.16.0 All you need to know using PI-Server with Docker
Rubén Bustos
Owned by Rubén Bustos
May 13, 2024
Loading data...
Restart server
You can do this simply by:
You can not use "docker-compose up" as install.sh will merge two docker-compose file into one depending on the setup you have defined in piplanning.cfg
Stop the server
docker-compose down
Update configuration (piplanning.cfg)
- Update the configuration file piplanning.cfg
Inspect log-files
To inspect the logs you can grab the logs of the individual containers by
docker logs -f <container-name or ID>
To check for errors regarding the ALM-sync:
- pialmsync container
Data storage / backups
All data and settings from the teams will be saved in the data folder. This data persists over updates.
Make sure you do regularly backups of the data folder.
Updating PI-Server
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2.17.0 All you need to know using PI-Server with Docker