AzureDevOps / TFS



  • Minimal version of TFS / ADO: > TFS 2018 Update 2 (Build version >= 16.131.27701.1)
  • Authentications against ADO (REST API): Personal Access Token with Read, Write & Manage permission on Work Items
  • The following data is stored in
    - Workitem Title
    - Workitem ID
    - Workitem Story-points (optional)
    - Workitem WSJF (optional)
    - Workitem Area and Iteration path
    - Relations from and to synced workitems

Connections used for the synchronization:

  • piplanning app → ADO: REST-API of ADO (access on Port 80/443)
  • Requests to the ADO API from a single IP
  • API Authentication with ADO PAT
  • Optional 2Way TLS (client certificate)
  • ADO â†’ piplanning app: Webhooks (Work item created, Work item deleted, Work item updated)


  • We recommend a service-user account which will be used for the connection to ADO
    • The user needs to have access to the Area-paths of the used Teams in the app (needs to create, change and delete work-items in ADO)