Jira Link Sync

Jira Link Sync


You can sync Epic- and existing Issue-links of Jira into the piplanning app. To setup these links edit (or create) a piplanning session and navigate to the "Links" screen.

Some practical examples

Epic link from User-stories to Epics:

  • Select in "From sticky type" the Sticky-type you have mapped to your Jira feature in step "Program Backlog Board"

  • For "To sticky type", select the User Story sticky-type you have mapped to the Jira "Story" issue-type on the team-board screen

  • The link type in between should then be "links epic to"

Issue link "relates" to between two user stories:

  • Select in "From sticky type" and "To sticky type" the Sticky-type you have mapped to your Jira "Story" on the team-board screen

  • Choose your desired issue-link (relates to) in "Link type"


  • At the moment we only support Epic-Links and Issue-Links (no parent-child links)

  • You can have only one link type between two sticky-types


Q: I have an error message that says that it can not find the issue-link field in Jira. How can I debug this further?
A: Issue the following requests: (works only for older versions of Jira server and Jira cloud)

  1. Get your issue-type id: https://<your-jira>/rest/api/2/issuetype

  2. Get all available fields for this issue type in that project:

    1. For Jira <= 8.4.0 or Cloud: https://<your-jira>/rest/api/2/issue/createmeta?issuetypeIds={issue_type_id}&expand=projects.issuetypes.fields

    2. For Jira > 8.4.0 https://<your-jira>/rest/api/2/issue/createmeta/{project_id}/issuetypes/{issue_type_id}

  3. Get your issue-type id: https://<your-jira>/rest/api/2/project

  4. Check the response of 2. if you can find the field inside of your project